Saturday, March 19, 2011

Goodbye Odie

*Update:  Odie was successfully adopted.  He now lives with his loving forever family in Tucson, Arizona.

On the Road Again

The Long and Winding Road

It is Friday night and Odie we just gave you a real good bath.  I know it had to feel amazing.  Of course, we must go for our nice long walk as the sun sets.  The sky is pink and beautiful and there is a warm gentle breeze.  Even the moon is shining down on us.  Tomorrow morning is the day you will be picked up and taken to a place called Tucson.  Since you love car rides I know you will be happy to get into the car.  I will pack up all your "things" and send them with you.  It's going to be so hard to say goodbye, but it has to happen sometime.  Odie, I am sorry ....... we won't see each other again.  But, on a positive note you are on your way to a life filled with so many possibilities.  A new family that really wants you and promises to love you.  You will learn about each other and you will become a member of their family.  It will take time and adjustments, but you will become the dog you were meant to be.  I know you will be happy.

Odie, I will always remember you and think of you.  You were my first rescue golden and what a lucky gal I am to have had you for three weeks.  I wish you love, contentment and happiness all the rest of your days.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Odie's adoption has been put on hold for a few days and he will be staying with us a little longer.  I don't know how long exactly, but I don't expect it to be more than another week.  He stopped eating his food altogether and that was a big concern to me.  Actually, he never really ate his food very well the entire time he's been with me and I brought it up many times with the vet.  When Odie's ultrasound showed he was good, it was just a couple hours later I was called that he was cleared for adoption.  (Even though he wasn't eating much)  Anyway, some calls were made and now the vet has put Odie on a low residue canned food diet, pepsid and a supplement.  And......he LOVES the food!!!!  I think Odie, as big as he is, was starving.  The weight management food was really hurting his tummy as it is full of fiber.  Poor guy!  So we are working out his diet.  The vet wants me to start putting the weight management food into his canned food in three days and gradually increase it and then stop the canned food.   (??????)

That's the update.  Odie is feeling better and better every day.  Last night he even chased a rabbit.  He has so much more energy.  Even my neighbor can't believe the change in him.  It is good.  I just want him to be in tip top shape when he starts his new life.  He needs to know what it feels like to have someone truly care. 

Since I have more time left with Odie, look for more pictures very soon!

Monday, March 14, 2011

A New Home For Odie

Odie will have a new home soon.  Looks like this Wednesday to be exact.  He is being picked up by the RAG transport gal and she will take Odie to Tucson, Arizona to meet his new forever family. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

I Knew It Would Be Hard, But.......

"Good Morning Shelley,
I thought of you when I read this poem in our Golden Tails Newsletter.
Have a great day."
A poem to my foster dog:
I am the bridge Between what was
and what can be.
I am the pathway to a new life.
I am made of mush,
Because my heart melted when I
saw you,
Matted and sore, limping,
depressed, Lonely, unwanted, afraid
to love.
For one little time you are mine.
I will feed you with my own hand
I will love you with my whole heart
I will make you whole.
I am made of steel.
Because when the time comes,
When you are well, and sleek,
When your eyes shine,
And your tail wags with joy
Then comes the hard part.
I will let you go--not without a tear,
But without a regret.
For you are safe forever–
A new dog needs me now.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Funky Haircut and Good News - Kind of

Good News for Odie!!!!  He had his ultrasound today and he is perfecto on the inside.  Everything is just as it should be.  The vet was really relieved because she didn't think he could live through a surgery with his weight issue.  Odie has even lost weight!  I knew he had a little more zing in his step.  Then it hit me.  I turned to the vet and she said he was ready for adoption.

ARG!  I asked if she couldn't keep him on medical hold a little longer so I could have more time with him.  She seemed to ponder the idea and I thought I might have a couple more weeks with Odie.  That is until I got the call several hours later from the RAG placement lady saying she has five different people wanting the gentle giant.  She wanted to know more about him so she could make the best placement possible.  Dang!  Here it comes.  Tears!  Dang! Dagger to my heart.  I gotta remember:

 "Saving one dog will not change the world, but, surely for that one dog
the world will change forever." -Unknown

I told her all Odie's wonderful qualities and quirks with a quivering voice and she said he sounds like quite a dog.  "Are you sure you don't want to adopt him?" she asked.  Oh, my heart hurts.  I told her I didn't think it was possible, but that I need some time and that I will call her this evening.  I also asked how long I had left with him.......not long once we make a match.

So, I know Odie will be very happy with someone else.  I came in to this situation knowing that I was a temporary home. The nice lady promised me she would find him the best home and I believe her.    Actually, right now I don't want to write about it.  Like the vet who did the ultrasound today said, "you are in love with Odie".

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One Hurdle At A Time!

 Odie, you are on the road to recovery!  But, I am afraid that the road has a few stops at your new vet's clinic.  Maybe we can call them hurdles you just have to jump before you get to the finish line.  Now, I know you can jump, so this should be a piece of cake!


 Odie's medical update:  Odie is scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow March 10th.  His tests came back and showed that not only is his thyroid non-existent but, he is anemic.  We've addressed the thyroid issue and now on to his belly.  More tomorrow! 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pulling My Heartstrings

"Shelley, I know you and Steve are only scheduled as Fosters for Odie, but in our discussions you seem very much attached to him.   Have you considered adopting him yourself?  Would you be interested?   If you would we can change your status to FWITA, Foster with intent to adopt, while he goes through his medical challenges.
Think about it and let me know.
"Hi Laura,
Yes, I am attached to dear Odie.  He is a gentle giant and so well mannered it is unbelievable.  He is walking and moving much more and seems really happy.  I even think the pounds are melting away before my eyes!  So......that being said.....I want to keep fostering him until he is better and RAG can find a great loving family for him.  The timing isn't right for my husband and I as we have some long trips planned this year and I also plan to go back to Oregon for about four months this summer.  (We have a house to sell amongst other things)  He deserves a stable forever home without someone coming and going.  One day we will be settled again and be ready. 

I want to be the best foster mom he could ever have and I am expecting RAG to do an exceptional job in matching him to the most perfect loving home possible.  He deserves no less.

Thank you, Laura.


Spring Fling With Odie

Today our adventures with Odie took us to the Franciscan Renewal Spring Fling Adoption event.  Odie was not up for adoption, but he represented Rescue A Golden of AZ along with other rescued goldens.  He was an ambassadog for a day!


What a fun morning we had, Odie!  There were sure a lot of people and dogs everywhere.  You felt right at home walking around, especially when we approached the Rescue a Golden booth.  There you met other goldens just like you and you settled right in.  I was so proud of you.  You are the best dog!

What a surprise to have Steve ride his bike to see us!   I know you loved it when he took you on a little walk out back.  Steve thinks you're special.  He sure talks about you a lot!

When we were ready to go back home I let you look at the horses in the pen.  One of them snorted so loud you jumped higher than I ever thought was possible.  We laughed so hard.  It was a funny sight, but we weren't laughing at you.  You just made us smile real big!  No horses for Odie!

When we got home you were so tired I had to take a picture of you.  

Another great day with Odie!

Tomorrow the dog park!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Trip to the Vet

 I pulled the car out the driveway for the big event of getting Mr. Odie in the back seat of my BMW.   Awesome!!! Odie wanted to get in!  Okay......passenger seat needs to be all the way forward.  Now....front feet in and ...... whoa!  I am not strong enough to lift his rear and put it in gear.  Dang!  Push!  I pushed with all my might. His hind legs made contact and with a deep breath by both of us, Odie was in!

Saving one dog will not change the world, but, surely for that one dog
the world will change forever." -Unknown

 Odie!  What a good boy you are.  That wasn't so hard.  In fact once you were in everything was great.  Obviously you love car rides!  I guess you didn't mind either that I got lost and took you on the scenic route to the vet.  When I put the window down for you, you put your handsome head into the wind and closed your eyes.  You looked like you were in a very happy place.  Contentment was in the air.  Yep, life can be so good!

When we walked in the door of the vet clinic there were lots of dogs everywhere.......and you just beamed with excitement.  You wiggled your whole body and wagged that tail of yours.  The tech ladies giggled at you because you were flirting with them and they adored you!  When they tried to get you on the scale to weigh you (floor level) you teased them by rolling off one end then the other.  You had them in stitches!  (me, too)

Well, the vet took lots of blood and did some tests and gave you all your doggy shots and even put a micro chip in you so that we can find you if you were to ever get lost. Actually, you don't want to run away.  You stay about as close to me as any dog ever has.

The nice lady vet sent me home with some special weight management food.  She said that your heart is working for about three dogs and that you need to lose weight.  Then she told me you were the equivalent of a 500 pound man.  Whoa!  We have some serious work to do Mister!   We are team Odie!  Oh, look!  I will put on my shoes.  It is time for another walk in Paradise!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Odie! Odie! Odie!

Welcome Odie!  You are my first Golden rescue doggy.  I am so happy to be your foster mom!  I saw your picture ahead of time and was told a little bit about you, but I think that you look nothing like your picture and your story really is a mystery.  Probably, not a good mystery, that is.  I am so sorry for what I can only imagine your life has been like for you up to this point.  You are 7 years young and you act like you are a very old man.  Goldens your age should be able to run, play and have lots of energy.  Someone fed you lots of food and maybe you did not ever get out to walk.  Your poor body is so heavy that you look like you might "POP".  You didn't get this way over night.  Oh Odie, you have missed out on some fun.

Today we go together to the vet.  That is we go to the vet if I can get you into my car.  You are too heavy for me to lift any part of you.  Lets hope you have a little hop in you.  It will be important to hear what the vet says about your health.  I hope that you are OK.  I think the vet will do a bunch of tests.  The fact that you don't have hair on your tail is worrisome to me, but maybe this is partly about your thyroid?  Oh Odie,  your life will be better and there are a lot of good people that are going to take really good care for you!

Odie, you are such a good boy and I can see a gradual positive change in you already.  You wiggle with happiness in the morning and you are starting to explore your surroundings inside and out.  You sure are super friendly to all the dogs we pass on our many walks.  Every day is going to get better......just you wait and see!