Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Funky Haircut and Good News - Kind of

Good News for Odie!!!!  He had his ultrasound today and he is perfecto on the inside.  Everything is just as it should be.  The vet was really relieved because she didn't think he could live through a surgery with his weight issue.  Odie has even lost weight!  I knew he had a little more zing in his step.  Then it hit me.  I turned to the vet and she said he was ready for adoption.

ARG!  I asked if she couldn't keep him on medical hold a little longer so I could have more time with him.  She seemed to ponder the idea and I thought I might have a couple more weeks with Odie.  That is until I got the call several hours later from the RAG placement lady saying she has five different people wanting the gentle giant.  She wanted to know more about him so she could make the best placement possible.  Dang!  Here it comes.  Tears!  Dang! Dagger to my heart.  I gotta remember:

 "Saving one dog will not change the world, but, surely for that one dog
the world will change forever." -Unknown

I told her all Odie's wonderful qualities and quirks with a quivering voice and she said he sounds like quite a dog.  "Are you sure you don't want to adopt him?" she asked.  Oh, my heart hurts.  I told her I didn't think it was possible, but that I need some time and that I will call her this evening.  I also asked how long I had left with him.......not long once we make a match.

So, I know Odie will be very happy with someone else.  I came in to this situation knowing that I was a temporary home. The nice lady promised me she would find him the best home and I believe her.    Actually, right now I don't want to write about it.  Like the vet who did the ultrasound today said, "you are in love with Odie".

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